Projects and collaborations we are proud of

Laurant Fleur
Laurant Fleur Flower Nursery from Ammerzoden grows special products that require specific lighting. After first being introduced to LED in 2022, the company made the switch to LED with dimming functionality this year. Ledgnd assisted in making the right choice. "We were able to purchase the fixtures at a competitive price, which essentially made Ledgnd pay for itself," says owner Laurens van den Oord.

Van Geel Group
In search of guidance through the maze of LED suppliers, three years ago, the Van Geel Group nursery from Emmen turned to Ledgnd. Since then, the company has fully transitioned to LED, much to the satisfaction of Martijn van Geel.

Begin dit jaar stapte Zuidgeest Delfgauw over van Son-T op LED. Om de juiste lampen te kiezen en bovendien aanspraak te maken op subsidie, liet de komkommerkwekerij zich uitvoerig adviseren door Ledgnd. En dat bleef niet zonder resultaat.

Customer Case Zuidgeest Delfgauw
Earlier this year, Zuidgeest Delfgauw made the switch from Son-T to LED lighting. To select the optimal lamps and secure subsidies, the cucumber grower sought comprehensive guidance from Ledgnd. The results were indeed impressive.
Customer Case Van Schie
Van Schie, with over 35 years of experience in growing potted lilies, was looking for ways to improve cultivation. Ledgnd offered a comprehensive solution for the purchase, integration, and optimization of LED lighting in the greenhouse. By using smart wireless sensors and control mechanisms, they have set up an advanced system to monitor and regulate the microclimate.
Do you want to know more?
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