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DLI Calculator (PPFD to DLI)

With this calculator, you can calculate the current DLI values of your current assimilation lighting.

DLI Calculator

In this calculator, you can calculate the current DLI values ​​that you get extra on your crop due to assimilation lighting. Enter the specified number of micromoles and enter the number of lighting hours per day.

How many hours

Do you already know how much DLI your crop needs and do you want to calculate how many hours assimilation lighting should burn? Then enter your desired DLI & the desired amount of micromoles. Leave the box with the number of hours empty.

How many micromoles are good for my crop?

Do you want an estimate of how many micromoles your crop needs and do you know approximately how much DLI is suitable for your crop? Enter this DLI and enter “14” in the number of hours if you cannot estimate this.

How much DLI does my greenhouse receive from the sun?

Are you curious about how much DLI your crop receives for free from the sun on a daily basis? Contact us and we will send you an overview of the DLI values that have occurred in your greenhouse over the past 10 years.

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Ledgnd Calculator

    Enter two of the three values ​​and then press the button below to continue

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